Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Causes Of Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety and depression can be caused by numerous factors. It can be treated in a number of ways, ranging from talk therapy to daily medication. It can be a chronic, ongoing condition or one that lasts a few weeks. Only a licensed doctor or psychiatrist can diagnose you with anxiety or depression.


Anxiety and depression may be caused by conflicts at work or school or strained relationships with family and friends.

Major Change

Major life changes such as divorce, death of a family member, or job loss can contribute to depression and anxiety.


A traumatic experience, including being the victim of a crime, surviving an accident or being involved in a natural disaster can lead to anxiety and depression.


Chemical imbalances in the brain can cause anxiety and depression. Drugs and alcohol may also be contributing factors.

Family History

Persons with a history of anxiety and depression in their immediate family are more likely to develop the condition than those with no family history.

Physical Illness

Long-term illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and chronic pain may lead to anxiety and depression.


Many women develop depression during pregnancy and after the birth of their children.

Tags: anxiety depression, Anxiety depression caused, depression caused, lead anxiety, lead anxiety depression, with family