Friday, October 29, 2010

Do A Back Bend As A Contortionist

Take the simple back bend to a whole new level by trying these incredible contortionist moves that will amaze your friends as you bend into positions never before believed. Just remember to make safety your number one priority and you can have fun being elastic.


1. Perform a series of stretches that focus on your spine, arms and shoulders to warm up the muscles that will be most affected. If you have never done this before, begin with a simple backbend and make your back stronger by moving a little further back over time to train the muscles and avoid injury.

2. Stand at the top of your fitness mat or make room on a slightly padded but firm surface to start your bend. Hold your arms straight up above your head and tense the muscles to make them stiff and supple enough to support your weight. Place your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and turn them slightly outwards.

3. Bend backwards slowly towards the ground until your fingertips meet the floor then lower yourself onto your elbows so you have evenly distributed your weight on each side and your legs.

4. Move your right elbow back a small fraction, then follow this with your left elbow until you are able to prop yourself up on your hands. Continue in very small steps until you have positioned your chin on the mat directly under your knees. Hold the bend until you want to release yourself.

5. Support your weight by placing your hands back on the floor beside your head and kick with your legs to get momentum from your waist to lower your legs slowly up over your head down to the mat. You should now be in a forward position on your stomach with your legs behind you on your mat.

Tags: your legs, with your, your head, your weight, that will