Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Home Hemorrhoid Relief

External and internal hemorrhoids are both painful, particularly if you are constipated. An external hemorrhoid is a clump of skin at the opening of your anal canal. It can be bright red or blue, if it's in the early stages. A hemorrhoid can gets as big as a golf ball. An internal hemorrhoid is, obviously, inside the anal canal. You can't see it but you can certainly feel it. External hemorrhoids can be excruciatingly painful, particularly when you sit down. Even walking and lying down can hurt. There are techniques you can use at home to treat your hemorrhoids.

Witch Hazel

Put some witch hazel on a cotton ball and dab at your hemorrhoids. This is considered one of the best home remedies, particularly if there is bleeding involved. Witch hazel causes blood vessels to shrink and contract. Put the bottle of witch hazel into a bucket of ice before you douse the cotton ball. The colder the witch hazel, the better. Witch hazel can be purchased at the drug store or at your supermarket.

Sitz Baths and Donuts

Sit in a warm tub of water or purchase a sitz bath, which is a contraption that sits atop your toilet. Fill it with warm water, which should soothe your hemorrhoids.

Sit on a donut, which looks like an inner tube. This device will take the pressure off of your hemorrhoids. Shove the external hemorrhoid(s) back in. Just give it a push with your finger.

Over-the-Counter Remedies

Apply over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams and ointment. You can also try dabbing your external hemorrhoids with some petroleum jelly or zinc oxide. If you have internal hemorrhoids, use a hemorrhoid suppository. Also, remember to use moist wipes instead of toilet paper when you wipe after a bowel movement, because the toilet paper can irritate your hemorrhoids.

Psyllium Seeds

Take psyllium seeds. Psyllium seeds are high in fiber, which an individual needs to prevent constipation and hard, painful stools. Mix the seeds (7.5 grams) in an 8-ounce glass of water and drink it for breakfast. The next week, add it to your lunch menu. By the third week, trying drinking this concoction three times daily. Drink a lot of water to facilitate soft stools. Psyllium can be found at retail and online health stores.

Home Remedies

Soak four figs overnight and then eat them in the morning to treat your hemorrhoids from the inside out.

Make a juice out of carrots, turnip leaves, watercress and spinach and drink it. This concoction will help eliminate constipation and make it easier on your rectum when you go to the bathroom.

Mix cumin seeds powder with water and make a thick paste. Put the paste on your hemorrhoids and leave it there for a while.

Drink chamomile tea, which is reportedly great for soothing inflamed hemorrhoids.

Horse chestnut is a herb that reportedly strengthens blood vessels and reduces the itching and burning sensation caused by hemorrhoids. Apply this herb directly onto the hemorrhoid, which will speed up the healing process. Horse chestnut can be purchased at retail or online health stores.

Tags: your hemorrhoids, anal canal, blood vessels, cotton ball, external hemorrhoid