Monday, August 19, 2013

Let Go Of Bad Habits

To let go of any bad habit you must be able to visualize your life without that habit in it. You must build a detailed picture in your mind of the desired results. You must be able to see yourself in your minds-eye living a happier, healthier, more prosperous, and more productive life without the habits that have been holding you back. Your mind is your most powerful computer. It obeys its programmed commands like the computer on your desk. Therefore you have to be careful and conscious of what you are programming yourself to do on a daily basis. Every habit you have begins in your mind. The easiest and most effective way to overcome the bondage of any habit is to constantly visualize in great detail and affirm in your mind the desired results of being free from that habit.


Let Go of Bad Habits

1. Realize the power of your mind and know that just as you have programmed yourself for this habit, you can reprogram yourself for new behavior patterns. Your mind will respond to the images you put in it much like the computer on your desk. Begin now to visualize the desired results of living without these habits. In a quiet place, calm your mind and begin to build a picture in as much detail as you can of your new happiness and health and how you would look and feel letting go of your bad habits. Use this visualization as a reference every time you feel the old compulsiveness.

2. Assess the damage that this habit has caused you. What tolls has it taken on your health, your pocketbook, your relationships? Remember that every time you say yes to this habit you are one step further away from where you want to be. Keep your positive visualization in mind and contrast it to the negative effects of your habit. The idea is that when you compare your ideal positive visualization to the negative road this habit is taking you down, you will find an increased willingness to let go of bad habits. Remember that you deserve the best and that your bad habits are cheating you out of this. Consider deeply the consequences of your bad habits and the vibrant life you could lead without them and it will get easier to let go of bad habits.

3. Replace bad habits with good ones. Learn to reward yourself with healthy things only. Do not hang around people with the very habits you are trying to let go of. As much as possible, avoid people or situations that may deter you from your goal. Develop healthier friendships and hobbies. Reprogram your mind to accept only good things and let go of bad habits and people and situations that condone them. Changing yourself if a personal journey. Don't try to have others hop on your bandwagon. Lead by the example of a new and improved you!

4. Be gentle with yourself. Change takes time. If you experience set-backs in your resolution to let go of bad habits, don't be discouraged. Forgive yourself because you're human and you make mistakes. But persevere to your desired goal of letting go completely of your bad habits. Whatever you do, no matter how many times you fall back on those nasty habits, know that every moment is a new opportunity for change. Know that is is never too late for you to start a new life. No matter what, keep a strong positive visualization of the freedom and happiness you would enjoy letting go of your bad habits. Like a movie in your mind, keep playing the picture of how you wish your life was instead of feeling trapped by your habits.

5. Realize that your future is largely defined by your habits. With that in mind, choose only good habits and seek to trade-in every bad habit, one at a time, for a healthier conditioned response. Reprogram the computer on your shoulders with detailed visualizations of a new and improved you and learn to let go of bad habits. Realize that just as you have developed bad habits, you have the same power to develop good ones. Visualize your life twenty years from now without your habit. Consider your life twenty years from now with your habit. Train your mind to want the positive visualization of a better life so much that it is willing to let go of bad habits. With continual practice you will find it easier and easier to let go of your bad habits. Know that your new and improved life awaits you and learn to willingly let go of bad habits forever.

Tags: your habits, your mind, positive visualization, this habit, your life, computer your, desired results