Friday, August 23, 2013

Create A Diet From The Glycemic Index

The glycemic index is mostly known among diabetics since it is a scale that weighs the value of sugar intake and circulation in the blood. Its values can be used to control blood sugar, and many people have used the values to create low-fat, low-carb diets that help them lose weight. Some foods greatly increase index values, while others keep it low and help maintain healthy living.


Create a Diet Based on the Glycemic Index

1. Eat lots of fiber and grains in the morning. Whole wheat grain cereals and fiber are filling, and they help clean out the system. Grains and fiber are especially beneficial for the digestive tract.

2. Eat dairy products for calcium. Dairy products have a low glycemic load. Milk and cheese can be used on bread and for a tasty drink in the middle of the day.

3. Eat fruits for snacks. Some fruits have a high glycemic load like bananas, raisins and dates. Some fruits are healthy snacks that affect the glycemic very mildly, such as grapefruit, oranges, peaches, and pears.

4. Eat beans and nuts for low-carb snacking. Beans and nuts are very filling, and they are great for snacking. Peanuts, cashews, and lentils have a very low glycemic load.

5. Avoid pasta and white bread. Some of the highest glycemic load is in white pasta and bread. Avoid these food groups as much as possible.

Tags: glycemic load, Create Diet, filling they, Glycemic Index, Some fruits