Monday, August 10, 2009

Ayurveda Doctor Jobs

A woman receiving a hot-stone massage treatment.

Ayurveda means "the science of life" in the scholarly Indian language of Sanskrit. Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old practice, deals with natural remedies and the spiritual well-being of mind and body by balancing the body's energies, as opposed to traditional medicine that treats symptoms using a "cause and effect" scientific method. With the Western world becoming more interested in alternative medicine, Ayurveda doctors have more job opportunities within the United States.

Ayurvedic Clinic

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical practice.

Ayurveda clinics offer jobs to Ayurveda doctors who treat clients for such ailments as digestive problems, hormonal imbalance, menopause, weight problems, skin disorders and psychological problems. The West and East coasts have the majority of Ayurveda clinics in the United States.

Teaching and Seminars

Some practice yoga and Ayurvedic medicine together.

Yoga and Ayurveda often go hand-in-hand. They can be jointly taught, yoga being more physical and spiritual, while Ayurveda focuses on the healing of the body and mind. Many yoga studios in the U.S. hire Ayurveda doctors to teach student-teachers the principals and history of Ayurveda medicine through teacher-training courses, seminars, workshops and classes. Ayurvedic doctors can recruit followers and clients through these teaching practices.

Start an Ayurvedic Business

Peaceful candles can aid theraputic activities.

An Ayurveda doctor can start a business. She can work as an Ayurveda therapist, treating patients with Ayurvedic strengthening therapies and rejuvenation therapies, which are geared toward helping to boost immunity and gain peace of mind. Ayurveda therapists also provide herbal remedies to detoxify the body and balance the body's energies. As an Ayurveda doctor, you could become an Ayurvedic clinical doctor at a spa, a yoga studio or an Ayurveda medical clinic. In this way, you can initiate herbal remedies, help clients improve their nutrition and balance their bodies' energy.

Tags: Ayurveda doctors, Ayurveda clinics, Ayurveda doctor, body energies, herbal remedies, United States