Friday, August 21, 2009

Crystal Jewelry Instructions

Crystal jewelry is worn for two reasons: because of its aesthetic beauty and because of its mystical powers. Just as each crystal has a different color, it also has a different power. As physicists will tell you, all matter is composed of vibrations. It's the vibrations of crystals, stones and gemstones that give them their powers. When making crystal jewelry, it's important to pair crystals whose powers, and colors, complement each other.

Crystal Jewelry to Attract Wealth

Peridot is a green, somewhat translucent stone that increases happiness and well being as well as attracting wealth. Pair it with clear crystals, which amplify the power of other crystals and stones, for striking jewelry that may bring you good fortune as well.

Turquoise is thought to attract love, luck and money. We most often see it worn alone, but for a lovely twist, pair it with green aventurine, which attracts good fortune, luck and money. The sage color of green aventurine is most complementary to brownish-green varieties of turquoise. In addition to creating a lovely piece of jewelry, the powers of the two stones combine to invite double the luck and money into your life.

Crystal Jewelry to Attract Love

Chrysocolla and moonstone make a beautiful combination: chrysocolla is green and blue with a few flecks of gold and brown in a marble-like pattern, while moonstone is milky white with a slightly blue hue. Also, both stones are believed to attract love, and when paired together that power is amplified. The chrysocolla also eases emotional heartache and grants sweet dreams, while the moonstone brings harmony to relationships.

Garnet and rose quartz are another beautiful pairing. The deep red of garnet and the muted pink of rose quartz make a romantic color combination (think Valentine's Day). Rose quartz is the quintessential crystal used for finding love, and garnet has the power to repel negativity and build confidence. When you pair these two stones, you're creating an environment of confidence and positivity that love will thrive in, perfect for someone who is looking for love or who is in a relationship that needs to have its stability restored.

Crystal Jewelry for Better Health

For just about every physical ailment out there, there is a crystal or stone that's believed to heal it. This makes for wonderful opportunities to customize jewelry according to individual needs. If an individual has a combination of health problems, you can combine crystals and stones to address the problems and also create lovely pieces of jewelry. For example, black tourmaline is believed to alleviate stomach problems and golden rutilated quartz is thought to be good for respiratory health - combine the two in a necklace for someone who has ailments in both areas.

Crystal Jewelry for Emotional Well-being

Crystal jewelry is often worn to bring happiness, and there are many crystals thought to enhance emotional well-being. Unakite and rhodolite are used to heal the soul. If depression is the problem, citrine and ametrine are used to ward it off. If someone is experiencing general anxiety, agitation, or impulsiveness, the calming effects of kunzite, lithium, watermelon tourmaline, blue lace agate, and bloodstone are believed to help. If better sexual performance seems the road to bliss, try eye agate, rose quartz, or fire opal.

Tags: Crystal Jewelry, crystals stones, luck money, rose quartz, attract love, Crystal Jewelry Attract, good fortune