Friday, August 21, 2009

Crystal Energy Healing

Crystal Energy Healing

It can take a lifetime to learn fully heal with crystals. You need to know their properties, and cleanse, activate and use their vibrations to your benefit. According to "The Encyclopedia of Crystals," their use dates back to the Bible, and they are used widely today.

Types of Crystals

We classify crystals by internal structure, their chemical makeup, mineral content and hardness--not outward appearance. There are 32 types of crystals and seven systems. Their formation takes time and the right geophysical conditions.

Healing Properties

Crystals take in and give off energy, according to "The Enyclopedia of Crystals." With them, you can transform emotions, heal physical ailments, and move energy through chakras (energy centers).

Buying Crystals

Touch and handle a crystal before buying it. Notice if it feels calming, energizing, appealing, or repelling. Choose those that evoke positive feelings. Seek advice from healers who work with crystals before purchasing them.

Cleansing Crystals

Use intention to remove unwanted energies so crystals can function at their highest vibration, according to the book "Crystal Healing." Cleanse them after healing work too. Since some crystals break down in water, light and heat, do research before you try these methods.

Activating Crystals

Visualize light or place the crystal in sunlight or artificial light to activate it, according to Judy Hall, crystal expert. Set a specific intention for the crystal by telling it what to do and heal.

Using Crystals to Heal

Use crystals as wands to channel a healing force, place them on chakras, wear or carry them, or use them with other therapies like reiki (a Japanese method of reducing stress).

Tags: Crystal Energy, Crystal Energy Healing, Energy Healing, with crystals