Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Become Pregnant Using Ovulation Awareness

Did you know that the average woman has only a 20% chance of becoming pregnant during each ovulatory cycle? Knowing your body is an empowering way to become pregnant using ovulation awareness. Any woman can use these signs to help her predict her cycle and become pregnant.


Taking Your Basal Body Temperature

1. Decide on a time you want to wake up each morning to take your temperature. It is important that it is the same time and that you do not sit up or get out of bed. On days when you would like to sleep later you can wake just to take your temperature and then go back to sleep.

2. Keep your thermometer on your nightstand within easy reach. Do not sit up. Reach over, pick up your thermometer and put it under your tongue. Push the button to begin the process.

3. When the thermometer beeps, take it out. Now you can sit up to record the temperature on a graph known as an ovulation, or fertility, chart.

Making a Fertility Chart

4. You can either print a blank fertility chart online or create your own. Any blank piece of paper will work, but graphing paper is easiest. Turn the paper on its side.

5. Down the left side of your paper draw a line allowing for thirty spaces. From the bottom of this line draw another from left to right. Again, you should allow about thirty spaces.

6. Starting at ninety-seven degrees at the bottom of the left axis go up by one-tenth of a degree (i.e. 97.1, 97.2, 97.3 and so on) until you reach ninety-nine. Across the bottom axis number one through thirty. You may not use all thirty days or you may use more. Thirty is a good starting place for everyone.

Reading Your Chart

7. On the first day of your period begin waking up at your designated time. Recalling the procedure, record your temperature in your chart for cycle day one. The first day of your period is always cycle day one and the beginning of a new chart.

8. As your cycle progresses you will notice dips and peaks in your temperature. These fluctuations are signs about what is going on in your body. Your temperature will dip slightly before it rises significantly. Just before the temperature rise, you will ovulate.

9. After ovulation, Your temperature will remain higher than it was prior to ovulation. Just before the onset of your period your temperature will dip and stay low. This is a nice warning that your period is imminent.

Using Your Chart to Become Pregnant

10. After watching one cycle you will know what to look for the second time around. If your temperature dips just before ovulation then you know that trying to conceive during this time is more likely to end in success.

11. If you are aware that you are ovulating or you can see by your chart that ovulation may occur in the next few days then plan to attempt conceiving once a day for this time. After your temperatures have increased for three consecutive days then you can see that ovulation has passed.

12. You can see if you have successfully conceived by watching your chart. The high temperatures after ovulation are the key. For some, temperatures rise again after conception. Watch for eighteen high temperatures and the second rise of temperatures.

Tags: your temperature, your period, temperature will, days then, fertility chart, first your