Friday, December 18, 2009

Hair Tonic Products

Hair tonic products have been used for many years to keep hair in place and to make it look better. However, hair tonic is not as popular today as it once was, having been replaced by gels and hairsprays. There are still hair tonic products on the market today that offer similar benefits.

Walgreens Hair Tonic

Walgreens store brand hair tonic is a liquid meant be applied after shampooing to restore control or applied to dry hair for neatness and manageability. This product is appropriate for all hair types. It is available online or in store in a 7-oz. bottle for $5.99, as of November 2010.

Jeris Hair Tonic Without Oil

Jeris Hair Tonic Without Oil is also created for all types of hair. Jeris claims It restores natural sheen and keeps hair in place without leaving an oily residue. This product should be massaged into the scalp for its full benefits. It is available online at a variety of websites in a 14-oz. bottle for around $5.50, as of November 2010.

Vitalis Hair Tonic for Men

Vitalis Hair Tonic for Men is advertised to restore manageability to all types of men's hair using a nongreasy formula containing V7, which makes this product unique. It also claims to restore control that is removed by the hot air from a blow dryer. A 7-oz. bottle sells on numerous online websites for around $7.30, as of November 2010.

Bumble and Bumble Tonic Lotion

Bumble and Bumble Tonic Lotion is a blend of herbs, vitamins and tea tree oil that is advertised for use on damp hair. This product also can work on any hair type to replace moisture and enhance texture, which works especially well on colored hair. An 8-oz. spray bottle can be purchased for $18 on the company's website, as of November 2010.

Lab Series Root Power Hair Tonic

Lab Series Root Power Hair Tonic, a product for men, is formulated for normal and thinning hair. It claims to invigorate the scalp and create thicker feeling hair with a healthy shine. It is to be sprayed on the scalp and massaged mornings or evenings. One of the most expensive hair tonics, an 8.5-oz. bottle sells for $40 on the company's website, as of November 2010.

Pinaud's Clubman Hair Tonic

Founded in France in 1810, the Pinaud company and its Clubman line of men's toiletries used to only be available for professional use in barbershops in the United States. Advertised to prevent dry scalp and reduce dandruff flakes, Clubman Hair Tonics claim to keep hair looking neat, well groomed and lustrous without looking oily. A 12.5-ounce bottle can be purchased on the company's website for $7.99, as of November 2010.

Tags: Hair Tonic, November 2010, company website, company website November, This product