Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Healing Power Of Stones

Alternative health practitioners suggest that certain stones possess the ability to promote health and well-being, by resonating at certain energy frequencies. Thus, many individuals claim relief from various ills through their use.


Archeologists suggest that many ancient civilizations used crystals for healing, most notably Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. For over 5000 years, traditional Chinese and Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine prescribed crystals and gemstones to cure various ills.


Alternative health practitioners view the human body as a multidimensional energy system. Thus, they suggest that certain stones emit or absorb energies that can affect your current energy state, thereby, producing change.


Some stones transmit certain energy patterns that can alter your current energy signature associated with emotional or physical ills. Other stones produce change by amplifying energy provided from another source.


Frequently rinse your gemstones or crystals in cold running water. Wear your stones next to the skin in order to receive the greatest vibrational benefit. Since your left hand draws in energy, while your right sends out energy, carry your loose stones in your left-side pocket.


Carefully choose your stone according to your specific need. For example, rose quartz possesses soothing healing properties, while malachite possibly increases abundance.

Tags: suggest that, Alternative health, Alternative health practitioners, certain energy, certain stones, current energy, health practitioners