Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Care For Amethyst Jewelry

Care for Amethyst Jewelry

Amethysts are attractive gemstones that come in various shades of purple, ranging from a light lilac shade to a darker and more intense mauve shade. Amethyst stones are often set in silver and gold jewelry. Over time, the brilliance of amethysts can be lost, so it is important that the owner cares for the jewelry properly.


1. Wipe with a soft cloth after wearing. The most common reason that amethyst jewelry loses its brilliance is due to a build up of dirt and oil. Wiping the residue away will help the jewelry maintain its beauty.

2. Store the jewelry in a cool dry place. Extreme temperatures can cause damage to amethyst jewelry. A jewelry box or armoire are acceptable places for amethyst storage.

3. Remove the amethyst jewelry when exercising. The jewelry builds up dirt and oil quickly if exposed to excessive sweat.

4. Clean the amethyst jewelry with mild soap and warm water. Due to the delicate nature of amethysts, no harsh cleaners should be used. Scrub the jewelry with a soft brush and rinse clean.

5. Dry the amethyst jewelry with a soft towel. You can also air dry the jewelry after cleaning.

6. Take the amethysts to a jeweler for an ultrasonic cleaning every few months. Sonic waves are used to remove any dirt found on the jewelry.

Tags: amethyst jewelry, jewelry with, with soft, amethyst jewelry, amethyst jewelry with, Care Amethyst, Care Amethyst Jewelry