Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How Get Sexy

Getting sexy starts with confidence.

If you've ever tripped over your mile-high heels in your haste to appear sexy, you'll know the agony of trying to come across as something you're not sure you are. How you appear to the world has less to do with the outer trappings of seductiveness -- like money, fashionable clothing or the hottest car -- and more to do with your inner fortitude. Personal power cannot be bought or worn; rather, it is manifested by a deep desire to be a positive, assured individual. Getting sexy is achieved by glamming up your inner strengths and wearing the attitude of confidence.



1. Find some time where you won't be interrupted by people or any of your electronic gadgets. Introspection demands quiet because you're going to be listening to a small voice that's usually drowned out by the cacophony of a busy life. Behind all the surface chatter your mind indulges in, sits the calm and collected commander of your destiny. Consulting the wisest authority on "you" is your first step to fashioning the character you want to present to the world.

2. Open your journal and spend a few moments listing every quality to which you aspire. If one of these desired attributes is confidence, address why you want to become confident. This is a time for honesty; so if your desire to be confident is because you want to get sexy, write it down. Seeing what you want to achieve in black and white raises the stakes and adds a measure of accountability.

3. Address the "How's." Having all the why's won't get you sexy until you address the how's. Take a moment to reflect on what you would feel comfortable attempting. If you've been a shy person or labelled as quiet, list three actions that would normally be out of character for the old you. They could be as simple as saying hi to someone who's caught your eye to joining a group who share your interests, such as hiking or crafting.

4. Make small changes. Creating a more confident persona can seem daunting at times. To lesson the strain, make micro-movements towards your goals which will not only get you a step further along your path to becoming more confident but the very actions themselves are building the character you desire. Getting sexy isn't something you can achieve overnight, but it can be accomplished in stages. Success is built incrementally and the bold greeting you toss at someone who interests you will very quickly turn into a conversation as your confidence grows.

Tags: Getting sexy, more confident, your inner