Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ear Care

Your ears are a very important part of your body. Not only are they great for wearing earrings, but they help you hear and perform other vital body functions as well. In order to keep your ears in good working order, you need to take good, regular care of them.


Your ears are important for hearing, but they are also unique in that they are one of the few "outside entrances" to your body. As such, they are extremely delicate organs and you need to be sure to keep them clean and in good working order. A bad ear infection can lead to problems throughout your body, so take steps to keep your hearing and your ears themselves, in top shape.


Your ears are not just good for listening. They help you keep your balance, too. Serious ear infections and even extremely loud noises can throw off your entire equilibrium.


Your ears have three parts. The outer ear, or the auricles, is the part of the ear that can be seen. It catches sounds and sends them down the ear canal to the middle ear, or the ossicles. In the middle ear, the sounds move around and vibrate the ear drum. These vibrations are sent through the inner ear, or the cochlea, and on to the brain where they are interpreted. All this takes next to no time at all, and is the hearing process.


Earwax is the slimy gunk that you often find in your outer ear or ear canal. While you may think of earwax as nothing more than disgusting goo that you need to get out of your ear as quickly and as often as possible, it actually performs a very important function. Earwax protects the ear from infections and actually helps keep the ear canal free of dirt and grime. You certainly do not want too much of it, but a little bit goes a long way toward keeping you healthy.


Your ears are vitally important not just to your hearing, but to your balance and your appearance as well. Make sure that every aspect of your ears stays in great shape by taking good care of them. Have your doctor examine them at your annual physical, and have them inspected by an audiologist once a year. Treat all upper respiratory infections promptly and aggressively to prevent them from infiltrating your ears. Make sure to protect your ears from loud noises by wearing earplugs and being careful to keep the volume low when you listen to music on headphones or ear buds. When you clean your ears, clean only the outer ear. Use a tissue or a washcloth. Never use a pointed object or even a cotton swab to try and remove wax from your ears. If you have wax buildup, then consult a physician for help.


If you spend a lot of time scuba diving or on planes, then you will need to take special care of your ears to be sure that they do not pop and that the ear drum does not become inflamed or infected. There are certain diving techniques that will help you clear and protect your ears. When flying, chew gum and swallow frequently to keep your ears open.

Tags: your ears, keep your, your body, care them, ears have