Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ease Pain Naturally And Easily

Get Relief from Pain.

While undergoing serious therapy for an extremely damaged sciatic condition, I learned about some natural pain relief recommendations from a chiropractor, to help with the pain I was experiencing. I thought these recommendations seemed too simple to be effective. But, I was willing to try anything to get nerve pain relief.

It turned out these methods to ease pain worked wonders and I continue to use these natural these natural pain relief remedies for any muscle, joint, or nerve pain I may experience. I will now share these simple, yet natural remedies that help gain relief from pain.


1. Take Vitamin C to ease pain; It's Good for more than just curing colds!

Take 500mg of Vitamin C up to four times a day (our bodies do not absorb more than 500mg of Vitamin C at a time and should not go beyond 2,000mg per day) and wash it down with lots of water to help get relief from pain.

The same way we treat colds turns out to also be a great remedy to naturally ease pain. I learned that Vitamin C is great for rebuilding tissues for natural pain relief. Vitamin C is also good for aiding many other conditions, such as cancer, arthritis, bruises, canker sores, high cholesterol, colds, diabetes, emphysema, gingivitis, headaches, nosebleeds, premenstrual syndrome, shingles, sore throats, urinary tract infections, warts and even helps to prevent wrinkles!

It's worth taking in the C on a daily basis!

2. Drink Plenty of Water; it's a necessity for muscle pain relief and so much more!

Try drinking at least 60 ounces of water daily and see if you notice natural pain relief as well as a better functioning body. However, your body weight may require even more water for it to function fully. A good measure that I live by, is to take your weight and divide that number in half; that is the amount of water in ounces you should drink per day.

Our body is 70% water and is the most abundant substance of our being. Every part of the body needs and depends on water for proper functioning; to lubricate our joints; regulate body temperature; aid digestion; help the kidneys to flush wastes; and for the blood to help carry nutrients and oxygen to body cells for healthy skin and hair; water also washes out unneeded fats from our bodies.

Muscles must have fluids or they will become weak and shrivel away; which is why drinking water helps to provide muscle pain relief. When your body has a shortage of water, the blood will draw the water it needs from our tissues and cells creating a state of dehydration which will result in dry, sore muscles. When this happens, the body's performance suffers. The body must have enough water for structural existence; to function properly in every day activities; and to also provide relief from pain.

3. Use an Ice/Cold Compress to ease pain; put the pain on ice!

Place an ice pack on sore areas for about 15 minutes to gain muscle pain relief, joint relief, or even nerve pain relief. The cooling affects of ice greatly reduces inflammation and is a great way to naturally ease pain. It provides quicker and better relief from pain than pain relievers and you won't have to worry about any medicinal side affects!

If you don't have an ice pack to ease pain, you can make your own by taking a wash cloth or a small towel, wet it down and ring out the excess water then flatten and fold it to a preferred size, place it in a plastic bag and then place it in the freezer. The benefit of this type of pack is that your ice pack will be thin and flexible, making it easy to mold around your areas that need relief from pain.

4. Stretch: Keep your flexibility by moving and stretching for natural pain relief.

The worst thing we can do for sore muscles is to lie around in belief that not using the muscles will help ease pain. Unless you have an injury that requires lack of movement for the injury to heal, understand that when muscles are sore, they are already dehydrated and shrinking into tight, stiff structures. So, the best method to get natural pain relief is to keep your body and muscles moving by doing gentle stretching and regular body movements. A lack of movement will enable the muscles to remain tight which will create limits in your overall mobility.

Tags: pain relief, ease pain, natural pain, natural pain relief, from pain, muscle pain