Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Remedy Sleep Problems

Restful sleep is as important as a healthy diet and exercise, and yet many people toss and turn the night away. If you want to find a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders, visit the Web site for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine at


1. Reduce caffeine consumption through out the day.

2. Avoid eat large meals or spicy foods before bedtime.

3. Exercise and practice relaxation techniques. If you suffer cramps during sleep, trying using a heating pad and massage to alleviate some of the discomfort.

4. Invest in a mouthpiece for protection and possibly think about physical therapy to prevent or treat bruxism (teeth grinding).

5. Avoid watching frightening or disturbing images on television or in the newspaper during the day, but particularly just before sleep.

6. Keep your sleeping area relatively cool, but not cold.

7. Purchase sleeping medication--stimulants if you suffer from narcolepsy and sleeping pills for insomnia. Both medications should be short-term treatments only.
