Monday, October 5, 2009

Make Aloe Vera Hair Gel

Aloe vera contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E.

The aloe vera plant contains natural healing properties and can be used to treat burns, scrapes and insect bites. Aloe vera is also regularly used in skin and hair care products. According to the beauty resource "My Style Bell," aloe vera hair gel is effective at taming frizzy hair. Aloe vera hair products are available in stores, but you can also easily make your own hair gel at home.


1. Cut off one small aloe vera leaf.

2. Lay the leaf on a cutting board and slice it in half lengthwise.

3. Use a spoon to scoop out the mucilage gel from the plant. Mucilage gel is a clear material with the consistency of jelly found within aloe vera plants.

4. Crush one vitamin C tablet.

5. Mix the vitamin C with the mucilage gel. This will help preserve the gel.

6. Take a dollop of the mixture and work through hair. Place any extra gel in a plastic container and cover.

7. Aloe vera can help treat dandruff.

The homemade hair gel will keep for about eight months if stored away from the light. A good place to keep it is in the refrigerator.


Tags: Aloe vera, Aloe vera, vera hair