Friday, October 30, 2009

Morning Sickness Natural Remedies

Morning sickness refers to a nauseated feeling that affects many women in the early stages of their pregnancy, which may be accompanied by vomiting. While there are a number of pharmaceutical treatments for morning sickness, natural remedies can be used to avoid potential side effects that may come with using drugs.


A number of herbs are commonly used as remedies for the symptoms of morning sickness. Ginger is one of the most widely used herbs for this purpose, and clinical studies have proven that it is effective in treating nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (see Resources). Chamomile and fennel are also common herbal remedies for morning sickness.


Some essential oils help to alleviate the nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. To ease the churning of a nauseous stomach, dab two or three drops of peppermint or lemon essential oils onto a cotton ball and hold this under your nose until your stomach settles. These oils also help neutralize nauseous odors.


Drinking lots of water, juice, herbal tea or other fluids throughout the day to keep your body hydrated helps with morning sickness. Preferably, you should drink at least 10 glass of liquid a day. This is important because dehydration tends to trigger the nausea associated with morning sickness. Fruit juice not only hydrates the body but also helps regulate your electrolyte balance. Select noncaffeinated teas such as ginger or peppermint tea over coffee, soda and other beverages that contain caffeine.


Women who are dealing with morning sickness need to get sufficient rest by taking naps during the day and getting adequate sleep at night. Fatigue tends to aggravate the nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. Lying down with a pillow elevating your head and another elevating your legs is recommended.

Eating Habits

Eating simple, bland foods and avoid cooking or eating spicy foods, which tend to trigger the nausea or vomiting associated with morning sickness, may help. Adding complex carbohydrates to your diet, such as bread, pasta and potatoes, can also relieve the symptoms. Complex carbs are not only easier to digest, but they are also soothing to the digestive system. Eating a small meal every few hours rather than three large meals, so that your stomach will not feel full, is also recommended.


Crackers can be a pregnant woman's best friend in preventing or relieving morning sickness. Nibble on crackers 10 to 15 minutes before you get up in the morning, especially if this is the time of the day when you most often suffer the nausea or vomiting. Continue snacking on them throughout the day to keep morning sickness at bay. Rusks or toasted bread have a similar beneficial effect.

Tags: morning sickness, with morning, with morning sickness, nausea vomiting, associated with, associated with morning, nausea vomiting associated