Monday, September 6, 2010

Cope With The Different Stages Of Emphysema

Over 16 million Americans suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Emphysema is one of the three main disorders that encompass COPD. Dealing with emphysema varies with the stage of the disease. There are a variety of steps to take to successfully cope with all stages of emphysema.


1. Avoid smoking. The leading cause of emphysema is smoking. Patients in the at-risk stage of emphysema can limit further exacerbation of the disease by quitting the smoking habit cold turkey. The best plan is to never start smoking.

2. Eat appropriately. During the at-risk and mild emphysema stages, coughing limits the appetite which can lead to major weight loss. It is important to continue eat healthy foods that allow the body to fight toxins.

3. Develop alternative breathing habits. Diaphragmatic and pursed lip breathing are helpful during the moderate emphysema stage when shortness of breath is prevalent. Deep breathing exercises are also helpful to deal with this stage of the disease.

4. Talk about personal issues. Finding support is helpful during all stages of emphysema. Other people dealing with emphysema can advise on what to expect and well as offer advice on solutions to current issues. Join an online message board if groups are not found in the immediate area. Post regularly with new ideas as well as concerns.

5. Seek surgery and breathing solutions. Portable oxygen tanks may be necessary for patients with severe emphysema. Respiratory and heart failure are also prevalent during this stage and patients may need surgery to correct some of these issues.

Tags: helpful during, stage disease, this stage, with emphysema