Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Types Of Anger Management

Types of Anger Management

The goal of anger management is to teach you to control yourself during bouts of anger and to be more constructive in getting your point across when you're angry. Expressing anger is a perfectly normal feeling, but when it's coupled with shouting, cussing and fits of rage, it can be devastating to those around you.


In the midst of anger we tend to say things we shouldn't say, and some things we say make no sense at all if taken literally. If you take the phrase "it's like I'm talking to a brick wall," and imagine the person as a brick wall with legs, arms and glasses, we might just laugh a little. This is the focal point of humor therapy; to take what you're about to say literally and imagine it. This helps you to calm down in the midst of anger.

Learning Communication Skills

Learning communication skills can help you find a better way to get your point across in a discussion. It also teaches you have patience when it comes to hearing the other person out.


Learning deep breathing exercises can help calm down nerves in any situation. This is because slow rhythmic breathing encourages the heart rate and breathing to slow down which helps to relax you naturally. Learning meditation methods and practicing them daily can help you have a clear and focused head throughout the day.

Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring is all about changing the way you think. In times of anger, you may yell, cuss and say hurtful things; this form of treatment helps you to replace those negative phrases with positive ones.

Talk Therapy

If you feel your anger cannot be helped through means of your own, you can always embark on psychotherapy (talk therapy). Participating in talk therapy can help you understand anger, and be more constructive in the way you handle it.

Tags: Anger Management, anger more, anger more constructive, brick wall, calm down, midst anger, more constructive