Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Find Foods That Protect Your Teeth

Caring for your teeth by brushing and flossing daily is the best way to protect your teeth, but there are a few things that you can eat during the day that will also aid in dental hygiene. Follow these helpful tips to lead you in the right direction.


1. Avoid sugar snacks. Sugar snacks that are sticky and gooey adhere to your teeth, soaking them in sugar. To rid your teeth of sugar, the "clean up crew" also known as bacteria, come together to form plaque. The plaque works to remove the sugar by processing it into an acid. If the acid is overtaken by more and more sugar, it cannot remove the sugar coat. This means that the acid sits on your teeth and eats away the enamel.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits (especially apples and bananas) regulate the pH levels in your mouth. In addition, biting into an apple cleans your teeth when you are not able to brush.

3. Add phytate to your diet. Phytate is an ingredient found in cocoa plants. The phytate adheres to the teeth, forming a layer of protection against acidity.

4. Eat and drink dairy. Cow's milk naturally provides minerals that contain cavity fighting protection for your teeth. Eating cheese as a snack also provides the same amount of protection.

5. Chew gum--sugarless gum, that is. The ingredient found in sugarless gum is called xylitol. Xylitol has been proven to be a buffer to protect teeth from acid.

Tags: your teeth, ingredient found, remove sugar