Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Is The Normal Height & Weight For A 17monthold

There's a range of normal heights and weights for toddlers.

Growth charts are used to track the range of normal height and weight for toddlers and children. At every age, there's a range of healthy measurements, and unless your child is consistently out of the normal range--below the 10th percentile or above the 90th--there is most likely nothing to worry about.

17-Month-Old Boy

According to the 2000 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts, 17-month-old boys have an average height of 32 inches, with the 10th percentile about 30.5 inches. The 90th percentile is about 33.5 inches. The average weight is 25.5 pounds, with the 10th and 90th percentiles at 22 and 29 pounds, respectively.

17-Month-Old Girl

According to the 2000 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts, 17-month-old girls have an average height of 31.5 inches, with the 10th percentile around 29.7 inches. The 90th percentile is around 32.8 inches. Their average weight is slightly under 24 pounds, with the 10th and 90th percentiles at 21 and 27 pounds, respectively.


One measurement outside the normal range is usually not a reason to worry. Physicians are more concerned with repeated abnormal measurements or wildly varying measurements.


Head circumference is often measured at checkups. Like height and weight, physicians look at a collection of measurements over time.

More Information

Most 17-month-old toddlers walk with ease and even climb. Most are still ambidextrous, although they may begin favoring one hand. They may also begin to protest naps.

Tags: with 10th, 10th percentile, 10th 90th, 10th 90th percentiles, 2000 Centers, 2000 Centers Disease