Friday, December 27, 2013

Cope With Croup

Croup is a viral infection that affects young children. It is caused by the vocal cords becoming infected and swelling. It causes a harsh barking cough and can cause difficulty breathing. Follow these steps to help your child cope with croup.


1. Stay calm. Comfort your child and try to keep him as relaxed as possible. Croup is scary but if you remain calm you can help your child cope with the situation better. Keeping your child relaxed will help him to breathe easier.

2. Run extremely hot water in the shower and sit with your child in the steamy bathroom. The humid bathroom will make it easier to breathe. You will see improvements in about ten minutes.

3. Get fresh air. Taking your child outside in the cool evening air can relieve the coughing fits. If it is cold outside wrap your child in a blanket. Nothing relieves croup like cool fresh air.

4. Sit upright with your child in your lap, sitting up helps to open the airways and allow for easier breathing. Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids to soothe his throat

5. Sleep near your child so you can offer assistance in case he has another croup attack. Croup usually last lasts five to six days and becomes worse at night. Sleeping near your child will make it easier to sleep while you cope with croup.

6. Watch your child closely for any signs of the croup getting worse. If you see your child struggling to breathe or if your child develops a strider (a gasping sound when breathing in) seek medical attention immediately.

Tags: your child, cope with, child cope, child cope with, cope with croup, help your, help your child