Thursday, December 2, 2010

Change Of Sex Procedures

Elective Bilateral Mastectomy

When a female reassigns her sex as a male, a common procedure done is an elective bilateral mastectomy. The breast will either be fully removed or reduced to give the appearance of a more masculine chest. Tissue and fat from the breast is removed and the nipple will be restructured to resemble a male's.


A metoidioplasty is a procedure in which a woman's clitoris is extended by the use of testosterone. The area of skin surrounding the clitoris will be removed in order to allow growth for the clitoris to become a penis. The labia is then used to create a scrotum. Once this procedure has been completed, inflatable expanders are placed into the newly formed scrotal skin in order to expand the skin. Implants will then be placed into the scrotum to emulate testicles.


An orchiectomy is the complete removal of a man's testicles. When the procedure is done, the testicles are removed through an incision in the scrotum. Once this is completed, the spermatic cord is severed and sutured. This procedure drastically alters the production of testosterone.


A vaginoplasty is a procedure that restructures a man's penis into a vagina. The penis is completely restructured and inverted. The erectile tissue of the penis, as well as the scrotum and testicles is removed. The remaining penis will then be used to create the vaginal opening, clitoris, and labia. The urethra is preserved for the function of urination, and once the procedure has been performed and healing is complete, dilation molds will be used in order to stretch the surface of the vaginal opening, as well as the inside of the vagina.

Nonsurgical Procedures

Nonsurgical treatment refers to the types of procedures that are done prior to reassignment. This can include hair removal for men, voice training, hormone therapy, skin care, hair styling, dress either as a man or woman and training in applying make-up.

Other Procedures

Breast implants can be used in male to female reassignment surgery in order to complete the desired result. In women, they may choose to get a complete hysterectomy, which includes the removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. A hysterectomy completely stops all production of estrogen. Minor cosmetic surgery such as liposuction might also be done.

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