Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Best Diet For Diabetics

The best diabetes diet follows three principles. First, the diet allows you to enjoy eating a wide variety of foods. Second, it advises you to eat these foods in moderation. Finally, the diet shows you eat these foods regularly throughout the day. Rich in essential nutrients and low in fat and calories, this diabetes diet helps regulate blood sugar and keep energy levels high.

Dietician Help

If you are unsure where to start, you may find a registered dietician's help invaluable. A dietician can educate you about portion control and healthy food choices. She can also help you tailor a healthful eating plan based on your own food tastes and preferences.

Meal Planning

Armed with a list of healthy food options and proper portion size guidelines, it's now time to start planning meals. An effective meal plan allows you to eat a variety of healthful foods in proper portions throughout the day, thus keeping your blood sugar levels stable and your weight in check. Doctors and dieticians often recommend eating one proper portion each of carbohydrates and proteins, or carbs, proteins and fat, between four and six times per day. Smaller meals spread throughout the day not only stabilize blood sugar but keep you from feeling hungry.

Carbohydrate Intake

Eating the right amount of carbohydrates timed properly throughout the day is an effective strategy for managing a diabetic condition, especially if you take insulin or diabetes medications. A doctor or dietician can help you learn moderate your carb intake at each meal with the amount of insulin you take. Too many or too few tubes can cause unhealthy fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin, aggravating a number of bothersome diabetic symptoms such as dizziness or even fainting (with too few carbs) or alarmingly high blood sugar levels (too many carbs).

What to eat

Good carbohydrates to eat include fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. These types of carbohydrates provide much better nutritional value and blood sugar regulation than more refined carbs such as white bread, white rice and potatoes. Good carbs are also an excellent source of fiber, which helps promote good health in diabetics.

Diabetics can eat lean proteins such as skinless chicken breast, turkey and oily fish such as salmon. However, certain diabetic conditions require you to limit your protein intake, so check with your doctor to make sure moderate protein is safe for you.

Eat good fats from healthy sources such as olive oil, nuts and seeds. However, eat them in great moderation. Small amounts will help keep your energy up and your cholesterol low.

Tags: blood sugar, blood sugar keep, blood sugar levels, diabetes diet, dietician help