Monday, September 23, 2013

Massage & Breathing Treatments

A person is never too young to benefit from massage.

Stress is a normal part of everyday life. Even so, it can result in problems, such as muscle tension and aggravation of respiratory illnesses like asthma. Although there are medications, such as anti-anxiety drugs and inhalers that can ease these symptoms, it's far better to get rid of the stress than to mask the problem. Massage and breathing techniques are ways to do this.

What Is Massage?

Massage is an ancient art that involves the gentle pressing and rubbing of muscles of the body. Although dozens of massage types and techniques are in use, the basic premises of all massages are to relieve stress, get rid of muscle tension and pain, and to make a person more aware of themselves and their body.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques can supplement any type of massage. They may involve having the client concentrate on the movement of the chest and abdomen as air enters and leaves the body, focusing on breathing and exhaling within a certain time frame or with a certain pattern, or visualizing and meditating how the breath is delivering oxygen to each cell of the body.

Massage and Breathing

Breathing techniques are used with massage therapy to deepen the relaxation of the client. Often when a person is tense, breathing techniques can help a person to consciously relax the muscles of the body. Conversely, as the therapist works on the client's muscles and they relax, the client is able to take more efficient, deeper breaths because the rib cage and abdominal muscles are not restricted with tension. There thus is a strong connection between massage therapy and breathing.

Medical Effects

Combining breathing techniques and massage can allow for deeper inhalations, thus ensuring that there is a higher intake of oxygen for body cells. The increase in oxygen can leave a person feeling less fatigued because oxygen is necessary for cells to have enough energy to do work. The improved circulation experienced from the muscle work in massage heightens this effect.

Some people may find that massage and breathing techniques relax the muscles of the respiratory system and surrounding tissues. This can be helpful for those suffering from conditions, such as asthma or upper body muscle spasms, that make deep inhalation difficult.

In general, breathing techniques and massage, because they are relaxing, can lower blood pressure, affect hormonal levels, provide better sleep and aid proper alignment of the body by providing means for muscles to disengage.


Although massage therapy and breathing techniques have proven medical benefits, they also need to be approached with caution. Some people may find that being touched by a virtual stranger isn't helpful and actually makes them uncomfortable, in which case the benefits are negated because the person cannot relax fully. You need to find a technique and therapist with whom you are comfortable. Also, massage and breathing never should be seen as a complete substitute for other medical treatments, especially in the case of serious medical conditions.

Tags: breathing techniques, massage therapy, breathing techniques, breathing techniques massage, find that, massage therapy breathing