Friday, October 18, 2013

Use Cytotec For Inducing Labor

Cytotec is the trade name for Misoprostol, an FDA-approved drug that is used in the United States for preventing gastric ulcers that may be caused by anti-inflammatory medications. In other countries, however, it is also an approved drug for inducing labor.

At the start of your pregnancy, your doctor may provide you with a generalized estimate of the week when you will give birth---which is usually 40 weeks after the first day of your last period. From 37 to 43 weeks, it's considered safe to give birth as the baby will come out full-term. But there are women who, for some reason, still fail to have the baby after 40 weeks. Some doctors and midwives advise induced labor to their patients and this is where Cytotec comes into play.


1. Ask your doctor about using Cytotec to induce labor. Cytotec has not yet been medically tested for its safety for inducing labor although it is commonly used for this purpose. Understand that the FDA has not approved the drug for this purpose so you might want to seek the advice of your doctor before going ahead with this route.

2. Find out more about your alternatives. Your doctor may suggest other ways of inducing labor. It is important that you understand the risks and benefits and ensure that the benefits of inducing labor with the drug outweigh the risks. Using any type of drug to induce labor is risky. Consider other means of labor inducement such as acupressure, getting a massage or eating spicy foods.

3. Follow the exact dosage. In the event that the doctor does decide to prescribe Cytotec, this is

probably right before a scheduled labor so you need to make sure that you take the exact recommended dosage.

4. Ensure that you are sufficiently supervised by a doctor when taking the drug. Taking Cytotec to induce labor merits the constant supervision of your doctor. This is because an overdose can case a variety of adverse effects including severe fetal distress, uterine rupture and even fetal and maternal death. Make sure that doctors and health care providers are on hand should you experience severe discomfort from taking the drug.

Tags: inducing labor, induce labor, your doctor, approved drug, Cytotec induce