Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Make Calendula & Comfrey Salve

Use comfrey leaves in the salve.

Calendula and comfrey are popular ingredients in homemade salves, as they are believed to have healing properties to help soothe skin irritations. Calendulas are known as "pot marigolds," but are not the same as common marigolds. Calendulas have bright yellow blooms and slightly sticky stems and are easy to grow. Comfrey is an herb with bell-shaped flowers and hairy leaves. To make a calendula and comfrey salve, you will need the petals of a calendula and comfrey leaves.


1. Set a pot on the stove and add 1 pound lard, 1.5 ounces calendula petals, and .75 ounces each of comfrey, plantain and mugwort leaves.

2. Set the stove to medium heat and bring ingredients to a simmer, turning the heat down to low as the mixture begins to simmer.

3. Allow the leaves and petals to cook until crisp, then remove pot from heat.

4. Place a large bowl in the sink with a fine mesh strainer resting on top. Pour the salve mixture into the sieve to strain, discarding leaves and petals and reserving liquid in bowl. Allow the salve to cool before use.

Tags: calendula comfrey, comfrey leaves, leaves petals