I will be applying sealer using a sprayer, and I already have several garden sprayers (one for roundup, one for insecticide and one for weedkiller!). Do I need a special deck sprayer or do the regular garden sprayers work just as well?
I have a small deck restoratin business and I don't use a sprayer.
Correcton - I have used on for lattice.
I use a rolloer and/or a brush for a nice even stain job.
Yardnut, please don't use Thompsons.
I am sealing an arbor - and there is quite a bit of lattice - that's why I am spraying. I wasn't planning on using Thompsons - not sure what yet, but it certainly won't be that stuff. So does a $10 garden sprayer work just as well as the more pricey ones that are labeled as deck sprayers?
It will be a little while before I seal it - the wood has not even completely dried yet.
Hi Yardnut,
It's difficult to get the spray nice and even, especially for a toned stain. The garden and deck sprayers are basically the same.
I've got a $10 sprayer that works as well as my $40 unit.
Now, the cat's meow is a Wagner --------- ONLY if you or your neighbors don't have white houses or cars. I used one on my shed, and they work very nice. Overspray can be a problem, as many deck contractors have experienced problems with spraying with a fine mist if there is any breeze.
as info -
select a semi-transparent oil-based stain with water repellancy and UV protection. I do like Wolmans FP, but Cabots, and Sikkens also rate high by Consumers Report.
Good luck,
Thanks - I'll need it. I've already made my share of mistakes!
And thanks for the suggestions - I'll be buying the stuff this week probably. Thank goodness it's almost done.
To answer your question - any sprayer will do as long as it has a good spray pattern - I've used both. Be careful using a sprayer because even on a day with little to no wind - the stuff gets on everything. I sprayed my fence but rolled/brushed my deck to avoid getting stain on the house/windows. Since we both live in Chesapeake, VA, you can borrow my Olympic sprayer if you would like
Thanks Brian! I might take you up on that - it will be a while till I spray it - I think I'm supposed to wait till the wood dries out thoroughly.
you could probably toss the 3 seperate sprayers and buy one SS sprayer. got one from sears eons ago. as long as you wash it out between uses itll last 20 or so years and still going strong when i used it for roundup brush killer a few days ago. --Josh
A SS sprayer is not the one to get for a deck. There may come a time when it is necessary to use a stripper, and poly is the only way to go. Sodium hydroxide will not corrode poly. They are all basically the same except for the tip, and I've sometimes had a better spray from a plastic tip vs a chrome tip.
Josh1 - one of the 3 sprayers IS a SS sprayer. But I use it only for Ornamec and weed killer, because I use them in high quantity. I guess I'm afraid that I might leave Roundup in it and then accidentally kill a plant. So it's just easier for me to have the separate ones - the others are all inexpensive plastic.
Fewalt - I bought the Wolmans FP - more reasonable that I expected - 18.00/gal, less a $5.00 rebate - even better. I've only used CWF before - it holds the color ok but doesn't seem to protect the wood for very long. So hopefully I will like this better. If I do, then I will use it on my deck next time.
Any problem with that, by the way....using a different brand the second time around? Both are oil-based.
Hi Yardnut,
Yep, I noticed the Wolmans was on sale till July. It was even cheaper than my contractor discount!
How long ago was the CWF applied? If it is as good as the Wolmans it may repel another application.
Wolmans states to use ONE coat only. You can do a test in one area: if it rubs off on a clean rag after about six hours it may not absorb and dry properly.
I will usually strip a previous stain with a sodium hydroxide stripper.
Well, I would not be applying anything before it was needed. I have used the CWF for several years on my decks and my outdoor furniture, and have found it neccessary to reapply the CWF every couple of years. Since I stained my new deck last summer, I expect that next summer I'll be re-staining. But in my past experience, I have never stripped off the previous stain, and I don't plan to - I just don't have that kind of time. And I've never had any problems doing it that way either....what are your reasons for doing that? This Wolmans that I just bought is going on my arbor - not attached to the deck - and in a totally different area of the yard. It's the same color, so if it appears to be holding up well next summer- then that is when I would be considering switching to it for my deck and furniture as well.
And now I have another question...hmmm - probably should be starting a new thread since this has gotten way off the original topic... . Yeah - think I will. See you there I hope.
What a pain - the stain just glopped out, no matter what setting I used. I will use sponge/brush from now on - even on lattice!
This probably sounds stupid, but I use my garden sprayer for insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, etc...I have a ziploc bag attached with duct tape with a label inside of it that says which I am currently using and (obviously) rinse it to the death in between. So I wonder if I use my sprayer for an oil-based stain, can I then clean it with mineral spirits or is it now committed for the purpose of staining? Thank you so much for any responses.
Welcome to the forums michelehixon!
While I'm not prone to run stain thru my pump garden sprayers I do run a lot of different products thru it. If I know I'll not be using it for awhile I like to run a little mineral spirits thru it as it will displace any water and keep rust away. I see no reason not to use the same sprayer for everything as long as it's cleaned well between non compatible liquids.
Tags: deck, sprayer, garden, garden sprayers, basically same, deck sprayers, doing that, garden sprayer, have used, just well