Replace Brake Pads on a Mazda MPV
The design and testing of safety features that Mazda incorporates into their MPV line of vehicles are intended to exceed the standards set by the National Highway Safety Administration. The brakes also need to be used and maintained properly to ensure that those standards are upheld. When the MPV brake pads are in need of replacement (recognized by lack of pedal response and indicator squeal) you can have the brakes serviced by an auto mechanic, or you can replace the pads yourself at a fraction of the cost.
Work Space and Safety
Park the Maxda MPV in a location that allows ample space to work on both sides of the vehicle. This should be a relatively flat, paved surface, away from passing traffic. Put the transmission in Park and apply the parking brake. Place tire blocks behind the rear wheels to prevent the Mazda from rolling while lifted.
While the MPV is still on the ground, remove the lugnuts with the socket end of the tire iron. The weight of the vehicle will aid in loosening the tightly secured lugnuts.
Accessing the Brake Pads
The brake pads are located on the calipers that surround the brake rotors. To access the rotors, lift the MPV using a lifting jack. Place jack stands beneath the frame, leaving the tires at least one inch clear of the road surface. You can access the brake pads while the MPV is held in the lifted position by the lifting jack; however, the jack does not provide a stable enough base on which to work. Jack stands will safely hold the vehicle while you access and change the brake pads.
Remove the wheels from the lugnut bolts.
Use a 13-millimeter socket and ratchet to remove the caliper bolts. The two bolts are located near the top of the caliper on the inner side (closest to the wheel well). Pull the caliper from the rotor.
The brake pads are connected to the caliper by metal clips that slide free from the caliper. If the brakes are rusted, spray chain lubricant or WD-40 before sliding the pads off.
The caliper piston pushes the brake pads against the rotor during braking. The piston is a cylindrical piece of metal that extends away from the inner wall of the caliper. Worn pads take up less space than new pads, so the caliper piston will need to be opened to accommodate the new pads. Squeeze the piston against the wall of the caliper using vise-grip pliers.
Place the new pads on the caliper by sliding the metal clips over each side, or wall of the caliper. The curve of the pads will match that of the caliper.
Place the caliper with new pads attached, over the rotor. Replace the caliper bolts and screw them in using a 13-millimeter socket and ratchet.
Replace the wheels on the lugnut bolts and screw on the lugnuts by hand.
Lift the Mazda using the lifting jack and remove the jack stands. Lower the vehicle to the ground and remove the lifting jack. Tighten the lugnut bolts using the tire iron.
Resetting the Caliper Piston
When you open the caliper piston using the vise-grip pliers, you are forcing the brake fluid from the caliper. The piston needs to be returned to its home, or starting position. Press the brake pedal repeatedly. At first, the pedal will offer little resistance. As you depress the pedal, the fluid will force fluid into the caliper and reset the piston to its new position. The brake pedal will feel normal when the piston is returned.
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