Sunday, February 16, 2014

Buy And Sell Stocks On Etrade

Many people are turning to online sites in order to manage their investments. With a few simple clicks, you can buy and sell stocks without the need to speak to an accountant first. You will still pay a commission, but typical online investment fees are much less. Through eTrade, you can buy and sell your stock options securely online.


1. Open an eTrade account. Provide your financial details, contact information and then choose a login name and password in order to access your trading options.

2. Deposit money into your portfolio. After finishing your account application, you will need to deposit funds to start investing. You can transfer money from a bank account or credit card with the eTrade Quick Transfer tool.

3. Receive advice from online eTrade advisors and stock charts. You can then directly access the stock you wish to buy from the Exchange Traded Fund Center from your trading menu by either performing a search or entering the stock symbol.

4. Decide on the number of shares that you wish to buy and enter that into the order menu. In order to complete the transaction, a $7.99 to $12.99 commission fee will be applied to your eTrade account as well as a 0.75 contract fee.

5. Go to the Trading and Portfolios menu on eTrade in order to see a stock if you wish to sell on eTrade. Choose the Trade option from the list of selections. You will then have to enter Sell in order to signify the order type.

6. Type the number of shares that you wish to sell of the particular stock as well as the stock symbol. Select Market when inquired for the price type of the stock you are selling. Save your changes in order to finish selling your eTrade stock.

Tags: sell, stocks, etrade, eTrade account, number shares, number shares that, number shares that wish, shares that, shares that wish, stock symbol