Friday, February 14, 2014

Cut Design View Shades

Cut Design View Shades

Design View shades are found at The Home Depot in their blinds department. These shades are designed to be cut to size for you while you wait, or for when you are ready to pick them up. They are available in a wide variety of sizes, from 23 inches wide up to 72 inches wide, and can be trimmed to just about any size in between. The Home Depot has a cutter in the store designed specifically for cutting this brand of shades. It is safer for you and the window shade to have a Home Depot Associate cut them for you rather than cutting them yourself.


1. Measure the size of the window opening from side to side with a tape measure at the top, middle and bottom of the window opening. Use the smallest measurement as the exact window opening size.

2. Measure the width of the Design View shade from left to right. Subtract the window opening measurement, plus an extra half inch for shade clearance, and divide the differences by two. For example, if the window width is 57-1/2 inches wide and the shade width is 58-1/2 inches wide, the deduction ruler will have to be set at #190; of an inch (57-1/2 - #189; = 57; 58-1/2 - 57 = 1-1/2 / 2 = #190;).

3. Adjust the deduction ruler on the Design View shade cutter to the width equal to half of the width difference between the window opening width and the shade width (3/4 of an inch).

4. Place the Design View shade into the shade cutter, clamp the shade down so the saw blade will not damage the shade, and turn the machine on so it will complete the cut automatically.

5. Unclamp the shade and flip the shade over so the cutter can cut the other side of the shade. When the other side of the Design View shade is cut, the shade is ready to be installed.

Tags: design, view, shades, Design View, window opening, Design View shade, inches wide, View shade, Home Depot, deduction ruler