Thursday, February 13, 2014

Diy Glass Etching Stencils

Etch glass by making your own stencils.

Making your own stencils for glass etching gives you freedom to make beautiful custom glassware at home. Personalizing glass makes great gifts for weddings, baby showers, birthdays and holidays.

There are many kits available at your local craft store; however, making your own stencils is an affordable solution to make your projects stand out. If you make stencils out of an adhesive paper, like recommended below, the stencil will adhere to the glass better and the etching cream will not bleed through the edges of the design. This will give you clean, crisp lines on your glass.


1. Find an image on your computer.

2. Print your image on plain paper.

3. Put the printed page on top of your clear contact paper and tape the edges. Be sure to put your image on the right side of the contact paper so that your design will not come out backward.

4. Use your craft knife to cut the image out of the contact paper. Be sure to cut out the part that you want to be etched on the glass.

5. Use scissors to cut away any excess paper before you put the image on your glass.

6. Remove the backing of the contact paper.

7. Apply the stencil to the clean glass.

8. Follow the instruction on the label of your glass etching product to finish etching the glass.

Tips Warnings

This activity is not intended for children.

Tags: glass, etching, stencils, contact paper, your glass, your stencils, image your, making your stencils, your image